Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Ma, I want a chainsaw"

Said Jaoob as he watched J.B.'s Tree Service cut down our VERY dead pine tree. We were sure this thing was going to fall on our house at any moment! We also had a huge live pine cut down. It was very cool to watch and the kids were G-L-U-E-D to the window.

Watching the dead one come down.....

This was taken about 2 hours later (literally)

Bye Bye Tree!

Sorry Jacob, no chainsaw....but you can have a shovel!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rachel's Birthday......2 months late......

Bad mommy!! I can't believe I completely forgot to post pictures from Rachel's birthday....actually I can believe it seeing as I've yet to get thank you's in the mail..... anyway, moving on. Our beautiful girl turned 6 this year. Six is a big one! As she keeps reminding us, only 4 years until she is 10. (Apparently something magical happens at 10......I'm hoping for the magical ability to clean her room : ) It has been amazing to see her grow in maturity both socially and emotionally! She has become very confident in her decisions and I hope she continues to grow that independence. She loves school even though it's "a lot of work". She loves music and recess. She loves her brothers and has grown into quite a little mama. She makes sure to let me know EVERYTHING that Jacob isn't doing just perfect! She had a wonderful "Not so Sleepover" birthday party complete with a movie, pj's, and popcorn. Only difference was everyone went home! Maybe next year I'll be brave enough to endure an actual "sleepover". Verdict still out on that one......

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Can you believe it folks? Little baby Andrew is officially a year old. Where on earth did this year go? Andrew has grown into a boy with a mind of his own. He is our adventurous one! Maybe it's his personality or maybe it's that he's able to get into more trouble while I chase after the other two! Either way, it is no surprise to find Andrew on top of the side tables in the living room, climbing the stairs, or with half is body in the dishwasher (I told you folks, sometimes I'm distracted). He LOVES playing peek-a-boo and diving into the pillow forts that his brother and sister make for him. He absolutely ADORES his brother and sister and the feeling is mutual.....most of the time. Here is a look back on the year. Happy Birthday little man!!

A bit of a rough start

2 months

4 months

6 months

8 months

10 months

Doesn't this just say it all?!! Happy Birthday!

30 seconds later......