Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, February 20, 2012

Da Boys

I can't believe how enamored these kids are with their little brother but none more than Andrew. He loves to have "baby" nearby and as you can see by the pictures just adores him. I'm hoping it lasts!!

Matthew waking up a bit to his new world, and his older brothers!

Pure joy

He's trying so hard not to cover baby Matthew which usually includes covering his face. 

I see a lot of love....and mischief .....in their future


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My First Week Home

Whew! We've survived our first week with four kids! Actually since Matthew sleeps most of the day it has been a fairly smooth transition......so far. I even get to shower every few days which is always nice : ) The kids are loving their little brother (even Andrew!). In fact, Andrew loves him so much he wakes up 2 or 3 times a night to check on everything. Andrew waking+Matthew waking=no sleep for mommy and daddy. Thankfully we know that it's a phase and things will eventually get back to normal. I'd like to give a huge thanks to Dunkin Donuts for their coffee because without them Nathan and I would be in a coma. 

Here is one week old Matthew

Daddy's Boys

Andrew has always been pretty attached to Daddy but even more so since Matthew came home .  His first words in the morning are "Daddy work?"

Pistol Pete

See,  I told you he has no jealousy issues and is adjusting beautifully......

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome Matthew Ryan!!!

Matthew Ryan was born on Sunday February 5, 2012 at 1:18 PM.  He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long.  Both mommy and baby are doing great and recovering nicely.  They are expected to come home at some point tomorrow.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!  A special thanks to Grammy and Aunt Jen for helping out with the kids while Anna and I were away.  Thank you!

i have this same shot with all four of them - pretty awesome!

Tired little guy


Kids were very excited to get to see him!  

 Andrew wasn't too sure how the Pats were going to do... 
or if he really liked his "big" present and having to share his birthday...

 this is Rachel and Jacob's first glimpse of Matthew - they were so excited!

 didn't know until afterwards that this was an illegal photo - 
hope that doesn't mean this kid will be breaking the law too...

 Momma and her four (count them!) kids!


Andrew thinks Matthew's, well, ok...

kids were just amazed by their baby brother

 The Queen and her court...

Rachel I can hold him too!

 Proud Grammy...

 and proud Mom and Dad!

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

Well although Andrew's big 2nd birthday was filled with excitement, it wasn't exactly the excitement he was looking for - his baby brother stole the show and now he'll have to share the same birthday!  Thank goodness we celebrated his birthday a day early on Saturday with cake, ice cream and presents or else Anna and I would feel terrible!

We thought the kids should make the cake...

What a great job!!  though Andrew had his doubts...

Andrew, "Busssssss!"

You guys sing off key.

What?  your going to get me what?  Are you kidding?

Its wrapping paper!!  Just what I wanted!


Andrew, "Dan!".  
which to those of you not fluent in the language of Drew is "dinosaur"

we had a little trouble with the tricycle...

but Drew made out just fine!