Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Worst Mom Ever Part 2: Matthew's 3rd Birthday Post!

Oh boy oh boy.....the fourth.....Matty has kept us on our toes! He is our family clown.  He always has us laughing (or trying not to, if the comment is inappropriate...which happens a lot). I can't say he is the best listener or rule follower, but boy when he turns on the charm, it all goes out the window. He will steal your heart with his raspy little voice and his "Pweease mom". Matty loves diggers and garbage trucks and even playing Star Wars with his brothers. I cannot believe 3 years has passed since he came into our family. He rounds us out perfectly! Happy Birthday little man!!! We love you!!!

Worst Mom Ever----Andrew's 5th Birthday Post!!!

This little guy....what can we say? He lights up our life with imagination and facts. SMART AS A WHIP this one. Every day is filled with what if's and questions. Even when he asked a question and then you answer him...he usually has his own rebuttal  take on it. He loves the Titanic, the Civil War, and yes Star Wars. He knows more about all three than I do, and I think that is awesome. I love that he has his own ideas about everything. He is also a Lego Master Builder. Happy 5th Birthday Andrew, you are so loved and so cherished! 

Friday, April 3, 2015


Rachel and I had such a great time going to Asheville with her Skip Its team. They performed at 2 elementary schools and a health expo. So fun to watch!!! Lots of activities in between!
On our way! Just the gals

10 year old girl giggles!!!

Ready for the Ropes Course

I would like to say that Rachel made it across but she got up to the top and decided it was a bit high!!! I was so proud of her for trying!!!

Skip Its buddies

The stars of the Live Well Health Expo!!!! Can you spot her?

A hike up Look Out Mountain to round out the weekend!!

Team picture, Skip Its style!!

Spring Has Sprung!

Warm weather is here!!! Hooray!!! Amazing how those beautiful Spring days change everyone's mood! With Spring comes lots of activities. Baseball and Soccer to start!!