Jacob, Andrew, and I don't mind. There are too many things to do outside to worry about the heat. Here are a few things we have been up to!
What a find! My mom found this pedal tractor on Craigslist. Can you believe someone was selling this for only $20?!! For Jacob, this toy is priceless. Oh, and it's not dangerous folks, Jacob just REALLY likes to wear his helmet for non-recreational things.
What are these big sticks with leaves in our yard? TREES! We're not used to having these things but in our new yard there are plenty. We have a great climbing one in our front yard. In fact, kids from all around the neighborhood stop by to climb on our tree!
Yes folks, my hair is finally coming back. No teeth yet, but at least I'm getting hair.
Here we are getting ready for bedtime. Mom thought it was pretty amazing that we were all looking at the camera at the same time!