Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cesarz Summer Part 3

Cape Cod!! What could be better than a week on the Cape? How about a week on the Cape with beautiful weather? We cannot tell you how much we enjoyed our stay with Papa and Grams. The week was filled with walks along the water, beach time, aquariums, a visit to Boston, a Pirate Cruise and some awesome quality time with Papa and Grams.
This was taken on our last day.......Amherst MA.....where it all began

Pirate Cruise----enter at your own risk!!

Jacob and Andrew were a little unsure whether the Captain was serious about throwing them in the water with the sharks.........

Boston MA......we left the little guys at home with Papa and Grams and had a day with our older two!!

Cesarz Summer: Part 2

July brought sun, sand and surf! Our annual trip to Kure Beach July 4th week was the best yet. I'm sad as I feel like we were so busy chasing kids that we didn't get many beachy pictures!!! I vow to do better next year!! We had a great time in the pool, boogie boarding, and just simply hanging out with all the cousins. We had so much fun we rented the same house for next year!
Pit stop at Dickey's BBQ to fuel up before our trip!

Game night on the enormous deck....and it's past bedtime......awesome!!!

Jacob with the little guys. Brooke and Matty----Matty obviously has been there done that. 


Hole design stage

Hole Construction phase

Snuggling in the hammock with Daddy 

Ride home : )
