Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Salem Salamander Fun Run!

The kids are getting in on the running action too! They participated in the Salem Fun Run to raise money to fix things around their school.  They did awesome!!

Group Therapy

 The past 6 months I have been in "Group Therapy". Four days a week I lace up my running shoes and head out with my girls for a "therapy" session.  This group has been food for my soul. We laugh, cry, share, and run our little butts off. After months of therapy training we completed the City of Oaks Half Marathon. Couldn't feel more blessed to have found these gals, or to have the super support from the kids and Nathan. 
Before the race...all smiles!!

We did it!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

More Summer Pics...

so the problem with having an iPhone and a Droid is making sure my wife gets all the photos from my phone...
we spent a lot of time at the baseball and softball fields...

beautiful Carolina blue skies!


here the boys intently watching Jacob play ball

 Drew mesmarized by a mini-ball from Gettysburg
 one of my favorite photos... Jacob in awe of the North Carolina Monument
 the North Carolina Monument
 Stan the man showing us where the Texans and Alabamians stormed Little Road Top
 views from the top of the NY State Monument

 one of the cannons
 Union calvary in action... kids really enjoyed this
 think she wants a horse now...

 Matty hiding in Devil's Den
 kids explored Devil's Den all afternoon...
 amazing view

 love them hairnets...
 wow... now that's a bar of chocolate

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Spooky Times!

Happy Halloween!!


Can you find Matty's teeny tiny jack-o-lateen next to the Civil War Soldier (upper right) and the Cyclops (lower right)... 

Drew a proud Union soldier at his Halloween Parade here in the South...


protecting the cattle (and candy...)

 the snakes in Medusa's Rachel's hair glow...

More Candy!!!