Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Spider and the Fly

Happy Halloween! So originally when asked what she wanted to be for Halloween, Rachel replied "a spider". Ok I said, and before I could ask Jacob, his big sister chimed and said....."and I think Jacob should be a fly". Hmmmmmmm, I thought...that can't be good. Well, I wasn't able to find a spider costume quite in time so here we have a beautiful bride and a spooky skeleton. We had a great time trick-or-treating and as far as I know, brides don't wrap up skeletons in their web and eat them so I think Jacob is safe....for now.

Soccer Party from earlier in the day


At the pumpkin patch...

Carving dhat dare pumpkin...

Bobbing for doughnuts???!!!

Ready for a night of trick or treating!

Come here fly....errr, I mean Jacob....

Rachel very excited because her friend Falyn got to go trick or treating with us!

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