Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob!!

We had been asking mom for months if the strawberries were ready yet. Well, they must have known it was my birthday because we drove by and sure enough, those red ripe strawberries were ready for me to pick them. Rachel and I ate a few along the way but how can you resist? Then we went home for some cake and presents. My wonderful big sister was there "just in case" I needed help with my presents. I've made a note to myself to make sure and be there for her on her birthday. Anyway, the next day we were on our way to Massachusetts for Aunt Meg's graduation. That's where I got birthday party #2....thanks Papa and Grams! All in all, it was a good birthday and I'm super excited to be 3!

Workin' hard in the fields

3 candles just wouldn't cut it this year. I was insistent on 5.

Let me try it just to make sure it's not poison.

Mom and I

I think this picture says it all. Happy Birthday little man!

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