Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Looks can be deceiving...

Just let me preface this by saying this post is not for those with a weak stomach...enough said.

Don't let this sweet face fool you....I'll admit, I fell for the sweetness too....until I went to get him from his nap and realized the reason he was playing so nicely was because he found a new toy....the contents of his diaper. "What? Not that sweet little boy" you say? Yes....in his hair, fingernails, all over his crib, sheets and bumper. Not even his poor bear Scout was spared. Did I mention it was in his hair and under his fingernails? So I thought I had seen it all but have learned two things.

1.ALWAYS put pants on Andrew, not just a diaper

2. Don't fall prey to his sweet sweet ways...he's just waiting for you to leave the room.....

Also, I have pictures folks but my lovely husband thought they were a little too "poopy" for blogland...he's probably right...but I had to have some documentation so he could see what I had to clean up.

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