Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kindergarten Program

I can't believe it's here already but Kindergarten is nearing it's end. Rachel has amazed us with how she has come out of her shell. She changed from the moment she stepped on the bus all by herself. It was a year full of changes. Moving, school, homework, new friends, but she adjusted beautifully. At the beginning of the year Rachel's teacher had to really work with her to speak up and have confidence in herself. By the end, she was leading math centers with her ideas and not afraid to answer a question. It's been awesome to see!! Way to go Rachel!! We are so proud of you!!
Here is a little video of the End of Year Kindergarten Program. Rachel is front and center. They are singing "I Like it Here". They must be reassuring parents just in case : )

TBall Season Wraps Up

Notice something missing?
Well, TBall season wrapped up last weekend. It was a great one and Rachel had a ton of fun. So much that she'll be back next year. They step it up in 1st grade with "machine pitch" so it should be interesting!! Jacob will play in the Pre-K division so stay tuned for some awesome skills!

Jacob is ready too!

A natural of course : )

Rachel receiving her medal from Coach Chip

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Andrew, where are my keys?

Just a short note to say DON'T give Andrew anything of value.....even if you're trying to distract him.....because he's crying at your feet....and you're trying to make dinner.....it's a bad idea. Then you'll have to go digging through the trash the next morning looking for your keys, when you remember what you knew already..... Andrew likes to throw EVERYTHING away.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kindergarten Field Trip

Rachel and her buddy Haiden
What's better than a farm field trip in Kindergarten? I was brave lucky enough to go along with Rachel's class to Genesis Farm last week. Despite only having 1 porta-potty for 40 kids we had a good time. The biggest hit wasn't even part of the farm! 13 year Cicada's have begun taking over NC and they were out in full swing. In case you don't know about this. The cicada live in the ground for 13 years, then they emerge, mate, fly down and lay there eggs in the ground, then die. Then the cycle starts all over again. Pretty neat except that they were e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  The kids loved it though and it made for neat hunting.
Then they got to brush "Patches" the horse, feed, the cows and practice milking. Then one bottle of hand sanitizer later we were eating lunch!
Patches was sort of shedding in...well...patches

Get to work Millie!

Road Trip!!!

Rachel and Jacob at the "Rocket Museum"
We took our first road trip in awhile up to see Aunt Nessa, Uncle Jon, James and brand new baby Elise. It was an exciting weekend. We went to the Air and Space Museum and guess what was there?!! MCDONALD'S!!!! Right there in the museum! Who needs a lunar module when you can have nuggets and fries right? Even Andrew ooohhhhed and ahhhheed over the nuggets rockets. All kidding aside, we had a great day at the "Rocket" Museum.
Next, we went for a walk because it was a beautiful day in DC. The carousel was spotted and well....enough said.
After a puppet show where Rachel was the boss director.  We loaded up the car and headed out. It was a short weekend but a great one. Thanks Aunt Nessa and Uncle Jon!
P.S All our pics of Sweet Baby Elise turned out blurry so I couldn't post them.

Buckle up partner!

The fam in front of an Apollo Command Module.
Very cool!

Making the trek back home

The first nap Jacob has had in 2 years : )