Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kindergarten Field Trip

Rachel and her buddy Haiden
What's better than a farm field trip in Kindergarten? I was brave lucky enough to go along with Rachel's class to Genesis Farm last week. Despite only having 1 porta-potty for 40 kids we had a good time. The biggest hit wasn't even part of the farm! 13 year Cicada's have begun taking over NC and they were out in full swing. In case you don't know about this. The cicada live in the ground for 13 years, then they emerge, mate, fly down and lay there eggs in the ground, then die. Then the cycle starts all over again. Pretty neat except that they were e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  The kids loved it though and it made for neat hunting.
Then they got to brush "Patches" the horse, feed, the cows and practice milking. Then one bottle of hand sanitizer later we were eating lunch!
Patches was sort of shedding in...well...patches

Get to work Millie!

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