Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NC State Fair

What a busy month October was. We love the Fall around here in the Cesarz house! It brings with it so many fun activities!!
First up....the NC State Fair.....good food, fun rides, and lots of interested things to see. The best part was Aunt Meg got to join us this year!! We think here favorite was the Kettle Corn....of course we didn't get to see the worlds biggest rat which may have been her favorite but we'll never know.

We all know Jacob LOVES a hot dog.....

Oh, and he also likes pretty blond girls....thank you Margaret for coming with us!!

Good think Rachel learned to milk a cow at her Kindergarten field trip last year....her skills were tested....

Cesarz Family minus baby Cesarz

Andrew's first ride

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