Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A SSSSSuper Snakey Birthday!

What is the only thing that would make a 5 year old boy smile like this?  If his mom allowed snakes at his house for his 5th birthday, that's what! Jacob wanted a "Crocodile Hunter" themed birthday party this year and somehow we pulled it off. To Jacob's dismay, I did not want could not find someone to bring an actual crocodile. Luckily, Steve the Crocodile Hunter also digs snakes and wouldn't you know, there was actually someone out there who had one to bring!! We had an awesome time. Ms. Joanne from the NC Herpetological Society (who knew there was such a thing!) was so kind to come and teach the kids about some of the reptiles around NC. She brought with her a corn snake and a box turtle and the kids had a blast with it! We also did a relay race and of course had plenty of "snake cake" . The weather was beautiful and the reptiles were awesome. Happy Birthday Jacob!!! You are so loved  and we are so proud of the sweet little boy that you are!!!

Notice "Steve" in the background. He actually says things like, "Crikey" and "What a beauty"!!

Relay Race that went on and on and on and on....notice Andrew and Rebecca (the little girl next door)  just relaxing and making sure no one is cheating 

Jacob and his best bud Hannah 

Ms. Joanne and her slimy friend

Jacob and some of his preschool buds....that's a crocodile on Jacob's cheek and a venus fly trap on Rachel's. Natalie next door was son nice to come and do some face painting!!

Jacob's super snakey birthday cake!
Exploring a turtle shell
Jacob and Hannah (side note, after Jacob's first day of preschool he told me he was  "going to marry  that girl".) They've been best buds all year.

Cute little box turtle
Jacob and Rachel enjoying Jacob's new birthday ride

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