Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Haircuts......

Oh how cute you say....the boys got new haircuts....until you find out why. Head lice, that's why. Lovely little critters that Rachel brought home. After two shampoo treatments and picking out nits for 2 weeks, I think we're lice free (is your head itching yet?) So needless to say, the boys got a buzz.

Best Buddies

 Matthew has a new favorite gal.....these two adore each other. It's actually quite awesome to see. Matty smiles at everything Rachel says and Rachel carries him around like a doll baby.  It is amazing to see Rachel so "grown up" with him. She's been a huge help from the beginning. I hope she feels the same way in 2 years when he's messing with her things!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kure Beach 2012

Fourth of July week was filled with sun, sand, and fun for us this year. We had a great time at Kure beach along with our cousins, Uncles, Aunts, and even Grammy! The weather in Cary topped 106 degrees but we kept cool by the beach. The best part? Everyone actually slept! When you have 4 kids, that makes you do the happy dance.  We had such a good time, we think we'll go back next year! 
Thank you James, Jess, and Hayden for making the big trip!!!

Gracie, Jacob, and Rachel, ready for some fun!

Wow Daddy! Look at all that sand!!!
Hayden and her Daddy dodging some waves

The big men of the family

Goddess of the Sea

Surfin' Safari!

Emmy and the gals

This girl was made for the beach!

Daddy and Rachel watching 4th of July fireworks

Cheesy Grins

See, the kids haven't tied us up yet!

More Cheese

Gracie and Jacob looking for crabs

Boogie Boarding with Daddy

Monday, July 9, 2012

First Days of School

We had a great time at the beach this last week (which I will post about soon) but alas it is time to get back to "real life".  For us, that means the kids back to school. The kids had their first day today. Rachel had a great first day in second grade and Jacob marched off to kindergarten like a pro.  Poor little Andrew is very sad to have "Jajob" off to school, but at least he has Matty McGoo or  "Mannie Goo" as Andrew likes to call him. 
Rachel had a ton to chat about when she got home but this was the conversation I had with Jacob....

Me: Jacob, how was school? What did you do?...Million other questions... Did you make any friends?"
Jacob: Yep, a best friend
Me: What was his name?
Jacob: Ummmm, I forget
Me: ask ask ask another million questions.....
Jacob: Ummm mom, can I go play basketball? 

Rachel is ready to show Jake "the ropes"

Andrew is a little unsure of what it means for Jacob to "go to school"

"It's ok Andrew, I'll be back"

Did you notice we added a kid? We were lucky enough to have our cousin Hayden here for the first day of school!!!

Rachel,Jacob,Hayden, and Andrew all in their backpacks headed to the bus

I've never seen a kid get on the bus faster than Jacob did!