Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kure Beach 2012

Fourth of July week was filled with sun, sand, and fun for us this year. We had a great time at Kure beach along with our cousins, Uncles, Aunts, and even Grammy! The weather in Cary topped 106 degrees but we kept cool by the beach. The best part? Everyone actually slept! When you have 4 kids, that makes you do the happy dance.  We had such a good time, we think we'll go back next year! 
Thank you James, Jess, and Hayden for making the big trip!!!

Gracie, Jacob, and Rachel, ready for some fun!

Wow Daddy! Look at all that sand!!!
Hayden and her Daddy dodging some waves

The big men of the family

Goddess of the Sea

Surfin' Safari!

Emmy and the gals

This girl was made for the beach!

Daddy and Rachel watching 4th of July fireworks

Cheesy Grins

See, the kids haven't tied us up yet!

More Cheese

Gracie and Jacob looking for crabs

Boogie Boarding with Daddy

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Anna! Your family is beautiful and has grown so much! I'm sorry we haven't stayed in touch. I'll call you before I go back to school!

Brandi Miller