Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Friday, November 1, 2013

Salem Skip Its

Rachel has waited a long time and worked really hard for this…..and she did it!! She tried out and made the school jump rope team. She is officially a Salem Elementary Skip It. The Skip Its travel to schools, parades, and other events and put on performances. It is really fun to watch and we are so proud of her!! Rachel worked for months to be able to perform the tricks she needed to make the team. We are so proud of how she followed through and made it happen!!  Once again, I'll say how awesome and blessed we feel to see our kids do well not only at school, but in activities as well. Way to go Rachel!!!

Part of being a Skip It means french braids in your hair….so that means momma has to learn. This was my first attempt and it actually wasn't half bad!! 

I will try and post a video and more pictures here soon….she has a performance tonight so hopefully we'll get some good ones!!

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