Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Thursday, June 26, 2014

So how did this happen????

How did Rachel break her wrist you ask....well, let me take you back to the conversation with the doctor......

Doctor : "So how did this happen?"

Me:  Well....it's kind of funny....I mean, I'm sure you have heard it all....no doubt you have heard this one. She was jump roping.....

Doctor: "And she fell?" 

Me: "Sort of..... Oh, did I forget to mention she was jump roping while jumping on her pogo stick........I figured that was implied.....oops"

Doctor: "Those two don't go together"

Me: " You need to come to a Skip Its Show " 

So that's how we went from this

To this

No worries, just a small fracture. And it's not like we are going to the beach this next week or anything.....thank you water proof cast inventor guy (or gal)!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

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