Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Activities

There is so much excitement around here in anticipation of Christmas! Our friend "Buddy" showed up on December 1st causing the excitement and "how many days until Christmas" questions. Along with Buddy showing up, we've had Christmas Parades and a Preschool Christmas Program, and Pullen Park Holiday Express  to get everyone super excited. Throw in the fact that we decided to get new wood floors put in and the month has just flown by! Can't wait to post pictures about Christmas morning but until then.....

Buddy's got the right idea....

Getting ready for the Apex Christmas Parade with the Skip Its. It was raining but they made it! 

Waiting for big sister to jump her way down the street

Santa!!! Just FYI, when Santa asked if they had been good. Matty was the first to pipe up and say "Yes" . You sure about that Matty? 

Fun time!

Making Christmas cookies at Aunt Jen's! So much fun!

Ready to sing his little heart out. 

Look at that sweet face. He was the hit of the show with that hat on!

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