Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Thursday, October 22, 2015

First Day of Preschool!

Well the day came and went without a hitch. Matty's first day of preschool. He is in the Butterfly class and absolutely LOVES it! He says he has "1000 friends". I wouldn't doubt it with that smile and cuteness. He likes to hide behind me when we walk to his classroom and loves that Mrs. Berguson, and Mrs. M say "Where's Matty?" everyday. He giggles and runs in! He knows all the letters in his name and is just full of love when I pick him up. He hugs me so tight and tells me all about his day. What a blessing!!! He loved this past track out when the other kids got to see his classroom. On the Mama side I will be honest-----it's been lovely to get stuff done without a kid in tow. 10 years folks! 10 years!!! So needless to say I am enjoying the 3.5 hours 3x per week where I get to wander aimlessly in target grocery shop. Then I get to love on him and hear about his day. Best of both worlds!!!

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