Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update from Matty

"Matty"......yep that must be my name because I hear that an awful lot. I have to say, I like it although I really like "Manny" which is what my big brother Andrew likes to call me. Matty is nice but Manny sounds a bit more foreign and exotic! So far I am adjusting to this thing called life pretty well. There is ALWAYS something going on in this house....it's very busy and very noisy but I don't mind, I sleep right through it most of the time. We're outside a lot since the weather is so nice and I love the fresh air. Mom carries me around in that snugli thingy and I just fall right to sleep. The only time I wake is when mommy has to chase Andrew down because he's running around with a screwdriver, scissors, or something equally fatal. Don't know what all that is about but I'm trusting Andrew will teach me the ropes.  I think I figured out the nighttime thing too. I cry, mommy feeds me.....enough said. I told my brothers and sisters they should try it but they said mommy would be mad. I told them she always gets up with me and is never mad....I must be her favorite.
Here I am holding my biggest bro's hand. Doesn't he look handsome? Does this outfit make my  legs look skinny? 
This is me in my bouncy seat. Usually it makes me very happy but mom caught me in a bad mood. 

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