Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ninjas and Zombies, and Skeletons OH MY!

Happy Halloween!!

You know that Halloween in the Cesarz house always starts with pumpkins! We got some good ones this year. Unfortunately after carving them, the weather warmed up and by the time Halloween rolled around they were nothing but mush : (  We still had fun and this was the first Halloween Rachel and Jacob carved their own! 
The kids had a blast with trick or treating this year and even Matty joined in. He learned very fast that all he had to do was flash that blond smile and get a piece of candy!! The neighborhood was hopping with witches and ghouls, luckily we had a zombie and two ninjas to scare them away……….

Could YOU say no to that face? 

The perfect Jack-o-lantern!

Let the festivities begin!

Matty loves scooping the "brains" out

Halloween 2013

Rachel B and Rachel C

Sneaky Sneaky Black Ninja

Quick on His Feet Red Ninja

Bad to the Bone

Grammy and her Zombie

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