Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Worst Mom Ever Part 2: Matthew's 3rd Birthday Post!

Oh boy oh boy.....the fourth.....Matty has kept us on our toes! He is our family clown.  He always has us laughing (or trying not to, if the comment is inappropriate...which happens a lot). I can't say he is the best listener or rule follower, but boy when he turns on the charm, it all goes out the window. He will steal your heart with his raspy little voice and his "Pweease mom". Matty loves diggers and garbage trucks and even playing Star Wars with his brothers. I cannot believe 3 years has passed since he came into our family. He rounds us out perfectly! Happy Birthday little man!!! We love you!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The nicest family in the world - congrats :)
By the way - is your ancestry Polish (Cesarz)? I searched the web for genealogy purposses and your blog has appeared...It is amazing to see somebody with the same surname and similiar family living few thousands miles away...Best wishes!
Maciej Cesarz