Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Santa was great to us this year! It is such a fun time of anticipation for us and for the kids. Despite Mama being deemed "bahumbug" by Daddy and Rachel for insisting that we get a fake tree this year(ummmmm we have a crawler who eats anything off the floor that he can find........it was either that or have Matty pooping Virginia Pine needles all day long....ouch!) we had a wonderful Christmas full of all the child excitement you can imagine. Everyone slept in until 7 and Matty gave us the best Christmas present ever....a full night's sleep! You'll notice he isn't in the pictures. He slept right through it! 
Christmas Eve
Unfortunately the one with all the kids in front of the tree turned out blurry.....arrrrrggggghhhh!!

Santa Came!!!!

Pop rocks....Santa is one awesome guy!

Rachel"s new ipod!

Oh man, football shirt!!
acob showimg off his football stuff with his buddy next door
Merry Christmas!!!!

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