Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge

In the Cesarz house, birthdays seem to make there way into a week, month, (6 month?) celebration : ) So it is no surprise that Rachel's birthday continued on into January with a trip to Great Wolf Lodge. What a place! Instead of a party this year, Rachel chose to bring one friend to stay with us. Her buddy Falyn from the old neighborhood made the drive to Charlotte with us. We enjoyed hours in the indoor water park and Rachel even surprised us with how fearless she was on the slides. Jacob wanted to stay in the pool but in true daredevil spirit, Drew had no problem hopping onto one of the many slides!! I didn't get many pics inside the waterpark.....we kind of had to pay attention to 4 kids running around!!

Rachel and Falyn

Wendy's of course was the request for dinner!

PJ's and Storytime down in the lobby. It even snowed inside!!

Getting ready to swim!

Saying goodbye to Wylie the Wolf as we head out (yes Jacob has his football stuff on.....you never know when someone might ask you to play folks)

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