Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, January 9, 2012


Christmas came and went so fast and was filled with loads of fun. All the kids were excited but Jacob took the cake in this department. Much like his father, he would sit in front of the tree, looking at the lights, making sure all the ornaments were hung just perfectly. Every day was a LONG day in December but it was so worth it when he saw that Santa had brought exactly what he wanted.....a wooden bat!  Rachel got in the Christmas spirit too and could hardly contain herself on Christmas morning. Andrew wasn't sure what to think!We were also so excited to have Grammy, Emmy, and Aunt Laurie with us for Christmas. It made it that much more special.

Christmas morning wa-hoo!!!!!

Hmmmmm Jake, what could it be? 

Santa has a deal with the Tooth Fairy every year to make sure the kiddies brush

Santa brought Rachel a Nintendo DS!! Exactly what she wanted!

Real catcher's gear.....even Andrew thinks this one is cool. I have to admit, this is a mother's nightmare as Jacob likes to "switch innings" a lot so we'll get it all on, he'll catch a few and then have to take it all off so he can bat....understand my pain? 

After Andrew opened these he had no interest in anything else!

Fits perfectly!

Thank you Aunt Jen for the GIANT BLUE CANDY CANE....it didn't get all over everything,  like our couch, and my two year old : )

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