Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"I want to be Jophus"

Ok, ok, so I'm really far behind on my posts but better late than never! For preschool this year Jacob's class did a Christmas program for all the parents. He got to choose whether he wanted to be Joseph, an Angel, or  a Shepherd. When I asked him, without a second thought he exclaimed, "JOPHUS"! "I want to be Jophus". He was one of only 2 "Jophuses" in his class. He did a wonderful job! It must have been so scary to get up in front of all those people but he did wonderfully. 

"Ninja Joseph"

Jacob's class singing away

We let Rachel skip lunchtime at school so she could cheer her brother on.  She was so proud!

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