Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

Well although Andrew's big 2nd birthday was filled with excitement, it wasn't exactly the excitement he was looking for - his baby brother stole the show and now he'll have to share the same birthday!  Thank goodness we celebrated his birthday a day early on Saturday with cake, ice cream and presents or else Anna and I would feel terrible!

We thought the kids should make the cake...

What a great job!!  though Andrew had his doubts...

Andrew, "Busssssss!"

You guys sing off key.

What?  your going to get me what?  Are you kidding?

Its wrapping paper!!  Just what I wanted!


Andrew, "Dan!".  
which to those of you not fluent in the language of Drew is "dinosaur"

we had a little trouble with the tricycle...

but Drew made out just fine!

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