Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome Matthew Ryan!!!

Matthew Ryan was born on Sunday February 5, 2012 at 1:18 PM.  He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long.  Both mommy and baby are doing great and recovering nicely.  They are expected to come home at some point tomorrow.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!  A special thanks to Grammy and Aunt Jen for helping out with the kids while Anna and I were away.  Thank you!

i have this same shot with all four of them - pretty awesome!

Tired little guy


Kids were very excited to get to see him!  

 Andrew wasn't too sure how the Pats were going to do... 
or if he really liked his "big" present and having to share his birthday...

 this is Rachel and Jacob's first glimpse of Matthew - they were so excited!

 didn't know until afterwards that this was an illegal photo - 
hope that doesn't mean this kid will be breaking the law too...

 Momma and her four (count them!) kids!


Andrew thinks Matthew's, well, ok...

kids were just amazed by their baby brother

 The Queen and her court...

Rachel I can hold him too!

 Proud Grammy...

 and proud Mom and Dad!

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