Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A day in the life of Andrew.......

Wake up....eat.....play.....eat.....sleep.....eat.....watch my brother play trucks....eat.....you get the picture right? I'm 5.5 months old and doing great! I absolutely love to be outside (except for those pesky mosquitos). I've rolled over a few times, I'm really trying to get to those little bitty legos my brother and sister play with. I'm sure Jacob will bring me one if I smile at him enough! I've been experimenting with new tastes as you'll seen in the pictures below. I'm not too keen on anything yet....all I know is the Beef Stroganoff mom made for dinner the other night looked a whole lot better than the riff raff she's feeding me.......

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