Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Day in the Life of Rachel.....

Go Salem Salamanders! That's what I am now----a big kindergartner at Salem Elementary. The day came very quickly and I did it. I hopped on the bus and away I went. Mommy tried not to show it but I could tell she was sad and a bit nervous about me climbing onto a bus where I didn't know anyone. It's cool mom, Miss Linda the bus driver got me to school safely and as you know I'm having a great time.....except for the day I cried in music class because I didn't want to sing. School is great, we eat lunch in a cafeteria and have recess. I was a little concerned this morning because I hadn't learned to read yet but mommy assured me that they would teach me and it would take AT LEAST until next week : )

My first day

Waiting at the bus stop

My bus stop

Here we go....congratulations Rachel!

So brave!! Can you see me?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nathan & Anna: Thanks so much for the pictures of the kids, and all of the things that they say.

Love you two for taking the time to keep all up on the "little darlings"

Aunt Ceil