Cesarz Family Life

Cesarz Family Life

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Day!! (or four but who's counting)

Hey, we take our snow here in NC seriously folks. That's why when we got 2 inches last week they decided the kids needed 4 days off. The bad news is the school has to make those up on Saturdays. The  good news is we are tracked out so we don't! Woo hoo! So the kids had many days to bundle up and play with their friends. I tell you it was a busy day for me zipping up snow pants, drying gloves, heating hot chocolate, making sure Matty didn't eat the yellow snow. And just for the record, Matty lasted longer than anyone…..who knew diggers aren't just good for mulch….they work in snow too!

I know I know, you'll shoot your eye out
After I set him on his feet

Drew driving…..this can't be safe

Cold? What cold?


King of the World play set

I like the yellow over there better mom

Don't let him fool you

Yes folks, we are in football pants and no jacket. Jacob insisted that he "experience what it is like to play football in snow"

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